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Monday 10 October 2016

Killer! Fears Successful People Must Overcome

Successful people must overcome fears
If you want to succeed in life, you must overcome your biggest fears. Some fears hold us back more than
others. The nasty ones are like straight-jackets that...
restrain our abilities, making our dreams an impossibility. To be successful, you need to confront them head on. Here are seven common fears that you must overcome to be truly successful.

1. Fear of criticism

Many people are afraid to live their dreams for fear of what others may think and say about them.

Recently, I received a phone call from a student. "My parents want me to finish my first degree, but I'm ready to start my business," he wrote. "They would think I'm crazy if I dropped out now. What should I do?" This is a common theme from many people. But making decisions based on what people think - even your closest friends and family will criticize you, but, don't forget they still would mock you if don't succeed.
"My candid advice is to focus on what your parents would say if your business did succeed. Would you be tagged a failure?"
Also read: Obvious signs you will be wealthy

2. Fear of poverty
Every man dislikes poverty as a poor man laments eternally. Most successful people started from the crash to fame. the sight was never a sweet one. no wealthy man, would like to taste the past. even as as an upcomer, fear of poverty without hardwork would still keep you glued.
Also read: How to build wealth on a small salary
3. Fear of Age and Death
There's a certain age where many people quit at life. Benjamin Franklin once said, "Most people die at 25 and are buried at 75." For some people, this metaphorical death - when they decide to settle for a mediocre lifestyle - comes earlier than 25. These people figure they can't make it happen, so they end up quitting in advance. Fear of old age can also be harmful when a person has to go through a major career transition.
"Chase your dreams to reality, for age is never a measure."
Also read: Absolute reason why failure is a must

4. Fear of failure
This is when most people ask the "what if" question. Except typically, they phrase it in a negative way such as: "What if it doesn't work? What if no one likes it? What if it fails?" These are the wrong questions. Instead of thinking about all the ways you may fail, concentrate on all the ways you may succeed! Even if you fail or make a mistake, it gives you a chance to reflect and correct. You must fail before you succeed. Every master was once a disaster. So go ahead and try!
Also read: Basic steps to the right budget

5. Fear of offending others
Here's what someone told me the other day: "I'm not going to call Human Resources until THEY call me for the job. Plus, I'll end up offending them and I don't want them to think I'm too needy. I'll just wait by the phone and they'll follow-up. If I don't get it, then it wasn't meant to be. And anyways, if I call them, it might sound desperate and lose the job!" This is the wrong approach.
"I truly believe people must back his dreams with actions. However, no one will recognize your talents unless you show them."
Also read: Silent rules to break to stay wealthy

6. Fear of looking foolish

No comedian can withstand the embarassment of not applaused after a comedy. Yeah! a pretty fact is we all assume, being the smartest and flawless in the world, disregarding any believe so ever. Also, we look at our wardrobes and say, "I won't wear that today. It will look foolish. Maybe another time." But why not now? We often act as if what we want to do is wrong, but we need to have more faith in our decision-making ability. We need to test our abilities, whether we are going to give a speech, write articles, shoot videos or anything else. Some of the greatest decisions in the world were fortuitous. Time after time, people have spontaneously deviated from their original plans and meandered their way into success.
"Find out who you are and what fits your style. Often, you'll have to start by finding out who you aren't. Trust your gut and know that you're making the right decision - every time. You'll only look foolish if you don't do anything at all."
Also read: Startup financial steps many ignore

So take your action to overcome the fears right now! Your world might be different without these fears!

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