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Friday, 14 October 2016

Obvious Signs You will be Wealthy

wealth signs that are obvious
Becoming wealthy may seem like an unobtainable dream. I certainly know how it feels, sometimes you might what to give up in the chase. In strict occasions, you start reading, studying and mimicking countless different successful millionaires.

In reality, it’s a lot more common than you think and completely possible if you have the right mentality to become wealthy. Here are some signs based on observations from several millionaire friends of mine, I tried reaching to.
1. You started making money at a young age:
Signs to make money at younger age
One of the most common traits that the wealthy have in common is that they began early. For example, a 12-year-old Mark Cuban sold trash bags door-to-door and Warren Buffett sold packets of gum to his neighbors when he was just 6-years-old. If you had this entrepreneurial spirit as a child, then that’s a solid indicator that you’ll become a millionaire since you’ve always been on the lookout for ways to make money.

Also read: Wealth key to success as a youth
2. You’re an overachiever:
Sign to build wealth as an overachiever

Were you that student who wasn’t satisfied with a B in class? Millionaires have the mindset to shoot big. They’re not satisfied with making just $1 million. They want to make $10 million.
Also read: How to build wealth from scratch
3. You are action-oriented:
build wealth young as an action oriented person

“Are you the kind of person who sees an opportunity and then takes action immediately, so wasting the advantage? If so, congratulations, because that zeal attracts financial freedom,” says Todd Campbell, author of “Your Guide to Better Stock Picks.”
“For example, it's been proven that long-term investing yields more wealth than short term trading, yet many Americans fails. Nigerians are also a huge victim, relaxed and ever ready to rush and grab quick money without sweat…wrong signal.
Also read: Absolute reasons why failure is a must
4. You are always urgent.
build wealth young as an always urgent person

Millionaires don’t wait for the perfect time to invest or launch their business. They realize that there’s no better time than the present to start making money. Sitting back and waiting is one of the best ways to squash your dreams.
"Bottom line -- start right now."
Also read: Fears wealthy people must overcome

5. You focus more on earning than saving.
Build wealth young by earning more and saving less

It’s no secret that the wealthy are frugal with their money. While they excel at saving and spending wisely, they also know that the best way to make money is to invest it.

Also read: How to build wealth on a small salary
6. You are open minded and optimistic.
Opportunity comes but once, and it also comes like a thief. That’s why the wealthy always keep an open mind on new ideas. It may not be something that they would have supported in the past, but if it can make them a couple of bucks, then they may reconsider it. Even Warren Buffett once said, “Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.”
How many people do you know are constantly whining and then blaming others? I bet those people aren’t well off financially, are they?
Also, true wealthy people don’t whine, complain, or point fingers. Instead, they accept challenges and look for ways to conquer them. Being open minded and optimistic is the key.
Also read: How best to survive economic recession
7. You live below your means.
Another common trait that wealthy people have in common is that they’re able to live below their means. Instead of flaunting their wealth they drive practical cars, live in modest homes, and don’t spend their hard earned cash on items which are a useless luxury item.
For example, Mark Zuckerberg repeats a routine of grey shirt even though clothes were never a problem. He values investments to fashion. So simple a lifestyle.
Also read: Startup financial guide many Ignore
8. You had a mentor.
It’s no secret that who you associate yourself with can affect how successful you’ll be. Think about that for a second. If you’re spending a majority of your time with people who are negative or don’t have a drive, then do you think that they’re going to influence you in being motivated and optimistic? On a third thought…nah!
In other words, if you want to be wealthy, then start hanging out with millionaires. Not only will this keep you motivated, you may be able to find someone who is willing to become your mentor and can show you the ropes.
If you don’t personally know any millionaires, don’t be afraid to meet one on social media or workshops, and create a chat.
Also read: How to build wealth choosing the right partner
9. You’re a goal-setter and strength maximizer.
Speaking of the future, the wealthy think about their long-term goals and needs.
“You don’t make a million by accident. If it’s not a goal you sure as hell won’t hit it,” writes Peter Voogd, founder of the Game Changers Academy, who made his first million before turning 26.
Also, wealthy people are able to capitalize on their greatest strengths and then surround themselves with people who can enhance their weaknesses.
Also read: 7 ways to know your boyfriend will be wealthy
10. You improve and are current
While college infer your future wealth, it apparently cannot make or determine wealth. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were Harvard university dropouts, yet they still improved, and as billionaires they are will current, reading New York Times, Financial Times, Forbes updates and so on, so are to make more investments.
"Here is to becoming the next wealthy man."
Also read: Silent rules to break to stay wealthy

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