As adults, there is hardly anytime to breathe due to hectic schedules especially when you are married with children to take care of. You longer put yourself or your significant other first because other issues may be snagging the spot and you no longer have time to tell your partner how much you love them.
Having time for a quick smooch with your partner will help your relationship and according to experts it's good your health and the health of your relationship.
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Benefits: Kissing Vs. Health
Kissing not only feels good, it's good for you,
boost health and indirectly build wealth. It relieves stress and releases
epinephrine into your blood, making it pump faster, which may result in a
reduction of fat (LDL cholesterol) Kissing may even be a novel way to receive
certain hormones, like testosterone:
"'Mucous membranes inside the mouth are permeable to hormones such as testosterone. Through open-mouth kissing, men introduced testosterone into a woman's mouth,' which 'is absorbed through the mucous membranes… and increases arousal and the likelihood that she will engage in reproductive behavior"
Without waste much of your time, these are a rundown of the health benefits of kissing;
#1.Reduce Your Blood Pressure
Kissing helps to dilate your blood vessels, which may help lower your blood pressure. This goes a long way to prevent hypertension.
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#2.Relieve Cramps and Headaches
The blood-vessel-dilation effect described above also helps to relieve pain, particularly from headache or menstrual cramps.
#3.Fight Cavities
When you kiss, saliva production increases in
your mouth, and this helps to wash away plaque on your teeth that may lead to
cavities. That said, cavity-causing bacteria can also be transmitted via a
kiss, especially if the person you're kissing has poor oral habits. It's even
been shown that cavity-causing bacteria can spread from a mother's kiss to her
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#4. Immunity Boost
A dose of kissing results in an exchange of germs. In response, your body produces memory cells and/or antibodies as a host defence, which makes kissing a vaccine of sorts. Also, lets not forget that IgA is seen mostly in body secretions, of which saliva is one of them.
#5. Boost Happiness and its Hormones
Kissing prompts your brain to release a happy elixir of feel-good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. This isn't only important for your happiness, it also may also help to strengthen your relationship. As MSN reported:
"'This [oxytocin] is the hormone of love, and the better the
oxytocin levels, the more capacity for love,' explains psychotherapist Arthur
Janov, Ph.D., author of 'The
Biology of Love' and the director of the Primal Center in
Santa Monica, Calif. 'We have found that those who cannot commit in a love
relationship are low in oxytocin."
Now to existence of biochemical pheromones cannot be ruled out too, because it has a great role to play. Also, is the hormone powerhouse...hypothalamus in the brain constantly active.
Now to existence of biochemical pheromones cannot be ruled out too, because it has a great role to play. Also, is the hormone powerhouse...hypothalamus in the brain constantly active.
Interestingly, kissing activates the same areas
in your brain linked to reward and addiction. According
to the researchers who revealed this finding:
"Kissing may have evolved as a way to stimulate brain systems
associated with sex drive, romantic love, and attachment so that humans are
triggered to seek a variety of potential mates, then focus attention on one for
mating, and finally be able to tolerate that mate long enough to raise a child
as a team."
Your lips are also densely packed with sensory
neurons, which are stimulated by the touch of another's lips. This prompts the
release of sebum, which is thought to play a role in bonding.
In addition to easing stress, stealing a kiss helps make you happier. When you engage in a kissing session, your body releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy. According to Women’s Health, kissing can also result in a stronger relationship. Happiness and satisfaction in a relationship can create a positive chain reaction that resonates throughout your home.
#6.Reduce Stress and Burn Calories (Weight loss)
It's not going to replace your workout session… but a vigorous kiss may burn 8-16 calories. Not too shabby for a kiss. Also when i say kiss, i never meant peck as many might do, a deep intense kiss is the pass mark. Don't forget, this occur due to lowering the level of cortisol, the stress hormones, thus, causing you to eat less and shed some calories and increasing the levels of oxytocin. As a result, you can relax and enjoy the moment, forgetting the pressures of each day while giving special attention to your mate.
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#7.Boost Your Self-Esteem
One study found that men who received a passionate kiss before they left for work earned more money. This suggests the kiss (and perhaps the happy home-life it suggests) makes people happier, boosts self-esteem and, ultimately, more productive at work.
#8.Tone Your Facial Muscles
A vigorous kiss helps you shape up your neck and jawline by working out a number of facial muscles.
#9.Check Out Your Partner's Compatibility
A kiss can be a powerful measure of your initial attraction to a person, so much so that the majority of men and women surveyed reporting that a first kiss could be a turn-off. Women, in particular, place more importance on kissing as a "mate assessment device" and as a means of "initiating, maintaining, and monitoring the current status of their relationship with a long-term partner.
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KISSING: Immunity Boost Vs. Stress Relief
The average person spends more than 20,000 minutes of their life kissing, and for very good reason. In addition to the benefits above, kissing has been shown to boost your immune system and reduce allergic responses in people with skin or nasal allergies.
Separate research also revealed that people who spent six weeks making kissing a priority with their partners reported significant decreases in their levels of stress. In addition to improvements in stress, the kissing participants also reported greater relationship satisfaction and improvements in total cholesterol.
There may actually be an even more primal reason for why "kissing" developed, however. Because some cultures don't include kissing in their mating rituals, it's possible the first kiss was given by a mother to her child rather than being shared between a couple.
Psychologists conjecture that kiss-feeding – exchanging pre-masticated food from one mouth to another -- was how babies received the nutrients needed to grow up strong and healthy either in addition to, or after, breastfeeding. This jump starts the digestion process and makes vitamins like B-12 more easily absorbable while also promoting attachment and bonding.
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Benefits: Health Vs Wealth
#1. Hypertension and Headache:
Wealth entails both budgetting, saving and investing. Medically, when a kiss can relieve hypertension or save a love partner from headache and depression. such therapy should be repeated. This goes a whole lot to save money from routine medications like buying antihypertensive drugs and/or analgesics (pain relievers).
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#2. Happiness
Sadness and depression can be a killer, especially in loneliness, that why a relationship is a comforting phase. Now, financially and economically, why waste lots of cash on alcohols at the bar, when you can actually, stay indoors and get a glass of Heineken on your partner's lip. Also the choice of injection drugs to reduce anxiety and depression would be ruled out...lots of cash in your pocket.
#3. Stress and weight loss
Since kissing has a direct connection with the brain and hormones, its effect along side, mild exercise can prevent obesity amidst control of cortisol, adrenaline and cholesterol levels.
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#4. Self- esteem
A high self-esteem boost confidence and willing to be productive at work especially to a man who has a silly and stubborn boss in the office. Kiss might be this confidence therapy or antidote, make him feel like a man, and ignite his inner strength to struggle more for the family.
Conclusively, your lips remains a perfect erogenous zone for indirect wealth...use them wisely on your love partner to boost wealth in your relationship.
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