Believe it or not,
building wealth for a secure, retirement is actually
very simple…
… in theory.
The equation for financial success is a function of just three basic principles:
… in theory.
The equation for financial success is a function of just three basic principles:
- The amount of
money you invest.
- The growth
rate of your money
- The amount of
time it has to grow.
Unfortunately, few
people succeed in building wealth because it has little to do with
understanding simple principles and everything to do with taking effective
The challenge isn’t
in knowledge, but in translating knowledge to useful results.
Why? Building wealth
requires you overcome the following two hurdles:
- You must
translate the wealth building principles into actionable rules that will
take you to your goal.
- Then, you must
actually live according to those rules.
You probably already
know the three principles for compounding and building wealth. Most people do;
yet, few people actually live according to them.
To know and not do is
to not know at all.
This is critical.
Most people fail to succeed financially because the rules are easy to
understand but surprisingly hard to live by. Living them is the
key… and also the problem.
For that reason,
don’t judge the quality of the following twelve tips by whether they “rock your
boat” with originality and genius. That’s not the point.
If retirement
planning via smart wealth building is as straightforward as I claim,
then this shouldn’t be rocket science. In fact, you probably
already know most of what’s in this article.
But before you yawn
and click away from the page, you may want to consider whether or
not you are living in congruence with each of the following wealth
building tips. That’s the key!
You may think you
know this stuff already. But if you aren’t talking the talk and walking
the walk, then it requires revisiting.
Either you are living
in integrity with what is taking you toward wealth and an early retirement, or
you aren’t. It’s just that simple.
As you read this
article, ask yourself, “Are my daily habits honoring each and every one of
these financial truths?” Judging by results will tell you what you really know,
and an honest assessment should be a little uncomfortable for most.
Retirement Tip #1:
Have a Plan
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Plan for retirement |
You can’t put the
formula for financial success to work for you without a plan to accomplish it.
It may be a simple
process, but it won’t happen randomly. You make it happen by taking action. A
written plan with goals provides the road map and is a necessary first step.
Financial success is
a choice. It results from the many small decisions you make each and every day.
Without a plan and goals to achieve wealth, your life is like a sailboat
without a rudder: it just spins in circles without definite direction.
Plans and goals
provide the necessary context to focus each and every decision in your life
with purpose.
Time spent writing
goals and building a step-by-step plan to achieve those goals is an
investment in your future. It reduces wasted effort, increases efficiency,
produces amazing results, and best of all, costs you nothing.
Every research study
on goal setting and planning support the same conclusion: it’s a remarkably
effective tool.
For example, a typical Nigerian parent with written goals tends to produce a better financial reserve to carter for the kids still in the university, when compared with those without written goals. Also, 30-year study by Harvard Business School showed how the 3% of participants with
written goals produced 10 times the results when compared to the 83% of
participants with no clearly defined goals. A 10-fold improvement is a
life-changing difference worth planning for.
To get results like
that you must create written saving and cash flow goals, and you must
formulate a plan complete with specific action steps to achieve those goals.
There is no single
right answer to wealth building despite what the latest guru of the day is
telling you.
Instead, you must
formulate a wealth plan best for you. No two people’s plans should be identical since each person’s situation is
You want to formulate
your plan based on three separate financial stages during life:
- Aggressive
accumulation during career
- Continued growth
of assets during semi-retirement
- Spending down
accumulated assets during final retirement when all earned income ceases
How you manage
your income and assets will vary with each financial stage of life thus
requiring a different plan.
The overall objective
of your plan is to utilize your career and semi-retired years to build residual
income in business, real estate, and/or paper assets so that your passive
income exceeds your living expenses.
When you reach that
point you are infinitely wealthy as long as you continue to grow your income
and assets in
excess of inflation or maybe economic recession. You will always
feel abundant and never outlive your income.
Achieving this goal
may sound nice, but results like this only occur when you build a plan and take
the necessary action steps to achieve the result.
Are you doing that?
Ensure you are
working toward that goal with the following action steps to financial success.
Also read: How to build wealth on a small salary
Also read: How to build wealth on a small salary
Retirement Tip #2:
Lifestyle Lags Income
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Adjust lifestyle from youth to retirement |
Most people prefer the trappings and illusion of wealth over the freedom of actual wealth. They want to look wealthy rather than be wealthy.
Also read: Rules to break to stay wealthy
Don’t believe it?
Just look around you
and see how many people are in debt compared to how many people are
wealthy. Most people choose
lifestyle over financial freedom and
violate the first principle in the wealth building equation: accumulate assets.
They spend instead.
The problem is you will never become
rich by spending money.
You must control your spending so that your lifestyle lags behind your income.
This will create available capital for your investment activities.
"If you know how to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher’s stone. – Benjamin Franklin"
The life cycle of
building wealth dictates the most important factor early in your wealth cycle
is your rate of savings or asset accumulation.
At some point in the
wealth building process, you cross a threshold where the return on your assets
is more significant than how much you add to them, but that is much later in
the equation.
However, in the early
stages you must build the assets so that you have something to grow. For most
people that starting point is to save money.
Whether you own your
business or work as an employee, you must think of each dollar as a little
soldier on the battlefield of your wealth. Every time you spend that dollar on
consumption instead of investment, the soldier dies.
But when the
soldier is invested he produces new soldiers and creates an ever growing army
working for your financial security. The bigger your army the greater your
financial security. Consumer debt is the
antithesis of wealth and should be avoided. It causes enslavement to
the system in the name of false prosperity.
If financial freedom is your objective then your practice must be to earn interest and compound your assets — not pay interest and compound your debt.
If financial freedom is your objective then your practice must be to earn interest and compound your assets — not pay interest and compound your debt.
The only debt that is
acceptable is to buy productive assets. A home mortgage, positive cash flow
real estate, and
certain business debt, all qualify. Debt for consumption does not
The rule is simple
for principle #1 in our wealth building formula: save money and build assets.
The sooner you begin and the more you save each month, the sooner you will
retire early and wealthy.
This rule is simple
to understand, but hard to live. Are you walking the talk?
Also read: Rules to wealth building and money growth
Also read: Rules to wealth building and money growth
Retirement Tip #3: Invest in Your
Financial Education
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Invest in your financial education |
The second principle in wealth accumulation is the rate at which your capital grows. This is largely a function of your financial intelligence. You must learn before you can earn.
It is possible to
profit from any market condition if
you know what you are doing (although, admittedly, some market environments are
easier than others).
Every investment in
your financial intelligence will
pay dividends for a lifetime.
I recommend that
clients regularly contribute to their financial intelligence by taking
courses, reading, and researching so that their financial intelligence grows
faster than their wealth.
What you know
influences how much you earn. Don't forget to invest in financial education.
This is critically
important because financial intelligence cannot be developed overnight any more
than wealth can be accumulated overnight. It takes time and disciplined effort.
The earlier you learn your lessons,
the less they will cost you. You’ll gain experience on smaller investment
decisions, where mistakes can be offset by new savings.
The longer you wait
to learn these lessons the more they will cost you. That cost comes in the form
of years of missed opportunities and mistakes made with big
investment decisions later in life
that can’t be offset by savings.
There is nothing more
financially dangerous than an investor making a million dollars’ worth of decisions
with a thousand dollars worth of financial intelligence.
When it comes to
investing, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, and a lot of knowledge
can be a profitable thing. Get
a lot of knowledge.
By growing your
financial intelligence every day, you are investing in your financial future.
Are you living in integrity with this wealth-building principle and regularly
learning about investing and personal finance?
Also read: How to build wealth from your hobbies
Retirement Tip #4: Don’t Procrastinate – Start Today
Also read: How to build wealth from your hobbies
Retirement Tip #4: Don’t Procrastinate – Start Today
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Don't procrastinate! Start today! |
The third variable in the wealth accumulation equation is the amount of time your wealth compounds and grows.
If you wait just six
years to get started and your assets grow at 12% annually, you will have half
as much money when you retire compared to starting today (assuming equal
contributions over your working lifetime).
If you wait just
twelve years you will have only a quarter as much.
That’s a life
changing difference in net
worth for just a
little procrastination. Just getting this one idea into your bones early
enough can change your financial future. It’s that important.
The power of compounding is an invaluable wealth-building tool because money
grows geometrically instead of arithmetically — but only when you give it time
to work.
Procrastination kills
time, and as a result it kills more plans
for retirement security than
all other culprits combined. It is wealth suicide on the installment plan.
Every day you delay
is another day where opportunity is thrown away.
Many people
procrastinate because they feel uncomfortable and out of place making financial
decisions. They feel ignorant or the subject seems dry and complicated with
confusing technical jargon.
Get over it!
Nobody is born a financial
genius. Everyone has to start somewhere. Just get started and fumble through
it. Silly mistakes are better than doing nothing at all.
Every day you wait
puts you at a greater disadvantage. The more time that passes before you start,
the harder wealth building will be for you.
According to the
Schwab Center for Investment Research, workers who begin saving for retirement
in their 20’s can safely save between 10-15% of their income and achieve
financial security. If you wait until your 30’s the percentage required rises
to 15-25%. Ouch!
If you wait until
your 40’s the percentage is an astronomical 25-35%. If you’ve reached your 50’s
or 60’s and haven’t yet started to save then the only viable strategies for
financial security are non-traditional and outside of the normal “save and compound grow” formula. They require leverage, additional risk, and a
totally different skill set.
Also read: Steps to the right budget
Clearly, the earlier
you start the easier the process is to swallow.
The reality is anyone
reading this article will have more than enough money pass through their hands
during their lifetime to secure the retirement of their dreams, yet few will
succeed at the goal.
Are you letting the
procrastination monster stop you from retiring early and wealthy? What are you
going to do about it?
Up to this point
we’ve summarized the tried and proven wealth building formula for most
self-made millionaires as follows:
- Spend less than
you earn and save the difference.
- Build your
financial intelligence while building your wealth so that you can make
wiser, more profitable decisions to grow your assets.
- Start early
because time is the most important factor in compounding wealth.
Notice how it is
the opposite of get-rich-quick: it is the slow and steady path to wealth.
Get-rich-quick uses
various principles of leverage which increases the risk and lowers the
probability of success. It’s faster, but less likely.
The slow-and-steady
method requires more discipline and time but the odds for success are extremely
high if you actually do what it takes. It’s a proven formula that just plain
But only if you work
The way to work the
“save and compound” strategy is to begin the process early enough in your
career so that you have lots of time.
If you get started
late you will either have to save an impossibly large portion of your income or
apply a leveraged strategy to make up for lost time.
Regardless of the
path you choose, your wealth is always a function of the amount of
investments multiplied by their rate of growth and the number of years they
grow. The math is always the same regardless of the strategy. It’s inviolable.
Unfortunately, as
I’ve said before, it is also difficult for most people to live.
Some family lifestyle may make it more difficult, that’s why I am
including this bonus tips, "rules to wealth building and money growth".to aid your success and retirement, thus, avoiding some of the more obvious and common mistakes.
Also read: How to build wealth in cattle farming
Also read: How to build wealth in cattle farming
Retirement Tip #5: Put Your Wealth Building on Auto-Pilot
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Put your wealth process on auto-pilot |
The easiest, least painful way to save your way to wealth is automatically.
Arrange your finances
so that every month certain actions take place that automatically grow your
assets without any decisions or extra effort on your part. This creates an
enforced discipline to keep you on track.
Below are a few
- Own Your
Home: Purchasing your
personal residence has several advantages. A portion of each monthly payment pays down debt which builds equity,
automatically. Assuming you finance with a fixed interest rate, fully
amortizing mortgage, you can expect appreciation from inflation
over time; yet, you will
repay a fixed amount of debt with depreciating currency. Again, that’s
automatic. And you can set
your mortgage payoff date to
coincide with your expected retirement date. Doing so lowers your cash flow needs when
you retire.
- Rental Real
Estate: If owning your
own home is a great idea, then owning even more homes where someone else
makes the payments for you is an even greater idea. But be careful: make sure the
property has a safety margin of positive cash flow and make sure you’re willing
to deal with the potential headaches of being a landlord. It isn’t right
for everyone, but owning a rental property can be a great automatic
wealth building tool for some.
- Tax Deferred
Retirement Plans: Maximize
your contributions to your tax-deferred
retirement plans so
that the money comes out of your paycheck automatically before you ever
see it. This is a relatively pain-free way to save because you seldom miss
what you never had. Additionally, if your employer offers a savings match
program make sure to save enough to maximize this free money. It is the
easiest savings you will ever put away. These savings cost far less than
you might think because Uncle Sam gives you a tax break to boot. For
example, let’s assume you earn $50,000 per year, and let’s also assume
your company offers a 401(k) with 50 cents on the dollar
matched savings up to 6% of your salary (a very common formula). If you
contributed just $250 per month ($3,000 per year) you would get an
additional $1,500 paid by the company – absolutely free. Assuming a
combined federal and state tax bracket of 30%, your take home pay would be
reduced by a mere $175 per month; yet, you would be receiving $375 per
month in benefits… yes, once again, automatically. This is a no-brainer
way to build assets.
- Automatic
Savings Plans: Another
disciplined approach to savings that reduces the temptation to spend your
entire paycheck is the automatic savings plan. If your tendency is to
spend whatever you have then these programs are a must. The money is
deducted from your pay before you ever see it, making the whole process
of saving a lot less painful. The key principle is the money is saved
automatically. The only decision you have to make is to start the process.
After that, it is on auto-pilot.
- Join An
Investment Club: While group
decisions are probably not the smartest
way to invest, the social
support, regular learning, and forced savings will put your wealth
building and financial intelligence on auto-pilot.
- Subscribe to
Educational Investment Newsletters: The internet is a treasure trove
of investment education, and much of it is freely
available. Newsletter issues come regularly causing you to grow your
financial intelligence over time and automatically. Consider the free investment newsletter from this web site as a good
example of this strategy.
These are just six
ways you can put the growth of your savings and financial intelligence on
auto-pilot. Many more exist.
John Lennon said it
best when he sang, “life is what happens when you are busy making other plans”
(although I doubt he intended it to be used for building wealth for early retirement).
You must make growing
your wealth a habitual part of your daily life so that it happens automatically
while the rest of your life runs its normal course. You must build your wealth
for early retirement while making other plans.
You can either choose
to arrange your life so that growing your wealth and financial intelligence is
an automatic habit, or you can let time slip away and allow procrastination to
win the day.
Also read: How to build wealth at a younger age
Also read: How to build wealth at a younger age
Retirement Tip #6: Take Responsibility for All Your Investment Results
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Take responsibility of your investment results |
This causes you to
get into action and correct and adjust your plans until you reach your goal.
You must build your wealth like an entrepreneur builds a business: “if it’s got
to be, then it is up to me.”
Also read: How to tackle any business risk
You are solely
responsible for organizing your life so that wealth accumulation is a habit. Nobody else will do it for you.
You are the one that
determines the priority of your spending habits and whether your lifestyle lags
your income or not. You are the one who determines whether you start today or
procrastinate until tomorrow.
"Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.– George Bernard Shaw"
When you take the
right actions with consistency it will get you the desired result. Financial
security becomes a question of “when” – not “if.”
You made the
decisions therefore the results are yours to own. That is how you learn from
your mistakes and make better decisions the next time.
Also read: Rules to break to stay wealthy
Some people feel
intimidated by the idea they are fully responsible for their results, but in
fact, it is an empowering concept. It means that no matter what your results
have been to date, you have the power to turn it around beginning right now.
You are in charge.
Nobody else is doing it to you, and nobody else will do it for you. You decide
what your financial results will be by the actions you take every day.
Your financial bottom
line is you make the decisions: you are responsible. You own the results. That
is the only way to achieve true financial security, and these startup financial steps would be a guide.
Also read: How to build wealth in goat farming
Retirement Tip #7: Commit What Is Necessary to Succeed
Also read: How to build wealth in goat farming
Retirement Tip #7: Commit What Is Necessary to Succeed
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Commit before you succeed |
Successful retirement planning requires you to provide the necessary resources to reach the goal. Don’t set yourself up for failure by under-committing.
For example, you
don’t want to build a retirement plan around owning and managing rental
properties unless you want a part time job. Operating real estate requires
effort and can be appropriate for some people and not for others depending on
your values, interests and skills.
Don’t commit to real
estate as your path to wealth unless you are willing to commit to doing the
work required to run a real estate portfolio properly. It isn’t a 100% passive
investment. It is part business
and part investment for as long as you own it.
Similarly, you don’t
want to build your retirement plan around passive investing in paper assets if
you’re in your late 50’s, have zero assets, and are just getting started.
Someone in that situation will require greater leverage and require active
investment strategies to make up for the late start.
A passive strategy
can be great when time is on your side, and inappropriate when time is in short
If you are relatively
young (40’s or less) and plan to save and compound your way to wealth with
paper assets, the good news is that it’s a mathematically viable strategy. The
bad news is you must set realistic expectations because much of the apparent
return on investment from paper assets is eroded by inflation. Also, economic recession has a role to play.
You must use
realistic assumptions for long-term return expectations for various asset
classes. Don’t set yourself up for failure by committing too little savings to
your plan and expecting unrealistic return assumptions to bail you out.
In short, you must
set yourself up to win by designing your retirement plan consistent with the
time, money, and energy required for success, and you must be willing to commit
those resources to the process.
Every person’s
situation is different and successful retirement planning must reflect that. One size does not fit all.
"Is your wealth plan uniquely fitted to you?"Also read: How to survive economic recession
Retirement Tip #8: Make Your Money Hard to Reach
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Make your money hard to reach |
A pile of savings that is easy and pain-free to reach is an easy solution to life’s troubles.
And that’s a bad
Your car breaks and
you use your savings to buy a new one. You get laid off and use your savings to
carry you through until the perfect job arrives. Life throws you curve
balls, and savings without
barriers to protect them are an easy target for solution.
That is why I
love the
government-sponsored retirement plans with
all the difficult rules and penalties you must overcome to access your money
prior to retiring. These obstacles provide a measure of discipline for those
who inherently lack this life skill.
The rule is simple:
when you build a nest egg, don’t raid it. Never borrow money from it for
current lifestyle and don’t spend a dime of it until after you retire.
Just let it grow and
grow until you are financially free. This is easy to understand but hard to
live by.
"Self-discipline is that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another. –Joseph Addison"
That is why many smart
investors place their retirement money in hard to access investments like real
estate or government-sponsored, tax-deferred retirement plans. This reinforces
discipline by making the money just difficult enough to reach that you don’t
raid your nest egg when those inevitable “emergencies” arrive.
hard-to-reach assets like real estate and retirement plans have another huge
advantage: tax savings.
Building wealth for
retirement is not just about how much money you make, but about how much money
you keep. That is why tax savings is an essential element of your plan.
Conveniently, both
real estate and government-sponsored retirement plans offer both tax savings
and barriers to access, thus reinforcing discipline while enhancing
You would be wise to
put these tools to your advantage. Are you?
Also read: How to build wealth from scratch
Also read: How to build wealth from scratch
Retirement Tip #9: Risk Management Is Essential
The mathematics of
compounding wealth prove that avoiding large losses is equally as important to growing your wealth as
pursuing large gains. They are mathematical flip-sides to the same coin; like the head or tail probability.
For that reason, a
smart investment strategy manages risk of loss and volatility risk using a
variety of tools. These include diversification, careful asset selection,
valuation, and a sell discipline to create a defensive investment plan.
While it is essential
to practice defensive investing through risk management it does not mean you
should avoid risk altogether by hiding out in Treasury Bills or other so-called
“safe assets.”
You must have an
aggressive, offensive investment strategy to build wealth because your
objective is to grow your assets faster than inflation erodes them so that you
increase purchasing power. Hiding out in safe investments won’t achieve that
In other words, you
must balance both your defensive and offensive investment
strategies to pursue gains
in excess of inflation without undue risk of loss.
Are you doing that?
Do you know how?
Risk management
principles apply equally well to your personal finances as they do to your
portfolio finances. For example, the
rule with insurance
is to insure away all risks that
you can’t afford to lose.
The alternative is to
put a lifetime of hard work, saving, and investing at risk for one mistake,
accident, or health problem that causes a loss large enough to financially
destroy you … and that is not acceptable.
Types of insurance
to consider include
homeowners, health, long-term care, automobile, disability, umbrella, and
various other insurance products.
Whether it is your
investment portfolio or your personal finances, risk management is an essential
principle. You must manage your investments so that you never lose more than is
mathematically acceptable, and you must manage your personal financial risk so
that you never lose more than you can afford.
Are you managing both
of these risks successfully?
Also read: How to manage business risk successfully
Retirement Tip #10: Use Your Common Sense
Investing is really
about business. You can avoid most of the speculative manias and
frauds that can rob
your retirement plan of valuable principal by following this simple rule: the
price you pay for any investment must make economic sense consistent with the
earning capacity of the underlying business that you invest in.
In other words,
valuation matters – it’s a primary risk management tool.
What this means is
when a Stock index is selling for more than 200 times earnings as it
did in 2000, you should not have your capital at risk in that market.
No businessman in his
right mind would ever pay 200 times the earnings capacity for a broad
cross-section of technology businesses, and you shouldn’t either. It’s bad
business because the valuation
built into the price is
Similarly, in 2005,
when investment real estate in Southern California was selling for prices so
high that the rental income couldn’t cover the mortgage payment even
when you assumed no delinquency, no vacancy, no expenses, no insurance, no
taxes, no maintenance, and the lowest interest rates in the last 40 years, then
you have to step back and question the logic.
It makes no business
sense and is purely a speculative mania.
Likewise, if an
investment offers you above market yields, then you should assume there is a very risky
reason that they are
forced to pay such high rates to attract capital. Always treat above market
yields as a warning sign and perform extensive due
diligence before committing retirement funds.
Finally, it’s just
good business common sense to only pay for investment services that put more
money in your pocket than they take out. They must be
For example, a broker
or money manager’s fees can only be justified when his insights and services
add more profit than they cost when compared to a passive index investment
strategy that could be easily implemented on your own.
You need to get what
you pay for.
"Do the investments in your retirement plan, pass the business-common-sense test?"Also read: How to build wealth from poultry farming - beginner's guide
Retirement Tip #11: Basic Estate Planning
It is irresponsible
to leave a burden for those you leave behind. The fact is you will die with
100% certainty.
No one likes to think
about it, but that’s the reality. Another reality? Your loved ones will be
distraught over your passing, busy with their own lives, and not
interested in cleaning up a messy financial legacy.
Your estate plan
covers your financial assets and also helps set a clear legacy. Get your affairs in order and make all the decisions
about who gets what now. Depending on your particular circumstances this
might include:
- Powers of
- Will
- Living Trust
- Life insurance
- …and much more
depending on your circumstances and desires
Many people
rationalize avoiding estate planning with thoughts like, “Who cares about all
that stuff; I’ll be dead anyway,” or “It’s not that important.”
I disagree
completely. After all, what would happen if you were incapacitated but still
living? What are the guidelines for moving you into a nursing home? What are
the rules for pulling the plug on life support or administering controversial
and expensive medicines during your final hours? How do you want to die?
In short, there is a
lot more to estate planning than just dividing up your assets. It affects your
life and the life of your loved ones left behind. You should care — a lot.
Make sure to seek
competent legal guidance for estate planning that will customize a program to
fit your personal situation and needs. Quality and price will vary so seek
referrals and interview several attorneys specializing in this field until you
find someone you’re comfortable with.
Have you set up your
estate plan yet? Is it up to date?
Also read: How to build wealth fom real estate investments
Also read: How to build wealth fom real estate investments
Retirement Tip #12: Get A Life
There’s more to
retirement planning than just money.
What about relationships? What about your health? What activities engage your interest?
Money is just a lubricant to life, but it’s not life itself.
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Get a good life after retirement |
What about relationships? What about your health? What activities engage your interest?
Money is just a lubricant to life, but it’s not life itself.
"I have never been a millionaire. But I have enjoyed a crackling fire, a glorious sunset, a walk with a friend and a hug from a child. There are plenty of life’s tiny delights for all of us. – Jack Anthony"
Happy retirees have fulfilling lives with the health and
money to enjoy them. Make sure you have
plenty to live for when your work no longer fills your days, and make sure you
take care of your health so that you have the energy and vitality to
pursue whatever brings you joy.
Protect and enhance
your health by investing daily in proper nutrition, regular exercise, and
preventative health care to reduce the risk of catastrophic illness. Get
adequate sleep, avoid anxiety, and counteract the stress you do incur with
proper exercise and recreation.
We never realize the
value of our health until we lose it.
Also, invest time now
in relationships that sustain and nurture you. Build the connections you desire
with family, friends, and business associates. Life without them would be
Avoid retiring simply
to get away from your current job.
It’s far more fulfilling to retire toward a life that excites you
than away from a life you dislike.
Remember, money is
just the means, not the end. Family, friends, robust health, and motivating
interests are the real tools of a fulfilling retirement while money is just the
Once you put in place
all the financial tips above so that your financial retirement plan is in
order, then it is time to consider your life plan as well. One without the
other is only half the picture. Both are essential to
a fulfilling and happy retirement.
Financial planning for retirement is simple to understand and hard to live. That is why only few succeed at it. It all boils down to decisions, investments, risk management and personal finances. It’s not exactly rocket science. The principles aren’t complex.
There is more to financial success than just recognizing the essential principles. You have to take the action. Thanks.
Financial planning for retirement is simple to understand and hard to live. That is why only few succeed at it. It all boils down to decisions, investments, risk management and personal finances. It’s not exactly rocket science. The principles aren’t complex.
There is more to financial success than just recognizing the essential principles. You have to take the action. Thanks.
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